A wise man should consider that health is the greatest of human blessings, and learn how by his own thought to derive benefit from his illnesses. ![]() I'm a health nut, I do admit it, but shouldn't we all be a bit obsessed about what goes in and comes out of our bodies? It's our body and in order for us to know what we need and don't need it's imperative to pay attention for optimum health... right? So, from taking supplemental vitamins, detoxing my organs, and now turning newly VEGAN, I've become EXTRA'd out about labels and such. Non-GMO, No Gluten, Non-Dairy, ...NON EVERYTHING THAT'S BAD FOR YOU BUT USED TO TASTE SO GOOD BEFORE I KNEW WHAT WAS IN IT! This past year much has transpired and I had accumulated a lot of stress in my life. My skin started to break out really badly and I was feeling more fatigued than ever. I couldn't put my finger on what was going on! I thought that becoming newly Vegan it was paying a toll on me (later on I would find this was not the case). My researching lead me to dead ends and my skin breakouts were getting worse. I was losing patience and hope. THEN, DUE TO A SPIRITUAL DECISION, I DECIDED TO FINALLY EMBARK ON MY PILGRIMAGE TO MOUNT SHASTA (WHICH WOULD CHANGE MY LIFE FOREVER). In regards to my spiritual experiences in Mount Shasta, I will save that for a separate post, for now it's all about Blood Purification! While walking back to my condo rental in downtown Mount Shasta, I stop in front of a store called "Mount Shasta Herb & Health". My curiosity of this whole town was forever enlightening from the conversations with locals, to the business owners there. I entered this quaint shop. The walls were lined with herbal remedies galore! Everything from dry herbs, to tinctures, to books of the metaphysical and even a shrine of an Indian Yogi. I loved the energy and vibe and couldn't help myself from examining every item displayed. An older woman's voice gently spoke "Dear, is there anything I can help you with?" I replied, so eager and anxious with delight, "Yes, actually I would love to know if you could help me with some skin issues I've been dealing with." She took a quick look at my face and said "oh yes, all you need is a blood purification tincture. That should fix you all up within a month!" I said, "that's it?!?" Lily smiled and replied "Yes, that's it." I had been dealing with this nightmare for months now, and her remedy would clear it up in 1 month? The relief released from my spirit was exponential. I couldn't believe how easy it was to rid of this after I had suffered for so long! My regimen was simple, 1 medicine dropper full of this tincture 3X a day (administering it under my tongue for fast absorption into the bloodstream) for 30 days. HAPPY ENDINGS DO EXIST: Within the first week of ingesting the tincture, I was seeing great results and my skin was starting to heal up. But after the first 2 weeks there was no change and I was trying hard to stay positive. Faith and determination paid off. Sure enough, when the 30th day arrived my skin was 95% healed and clear. WHY SHOULD YOU PURIFY YOUR BLOOD? Many ailments that we have are due to our blood being tainted by toxic chemicals in the air, food and just existing here on earth! The liver cannot throughly clean our blood if we are constantly eating/wearing/using toxic items. Eventually, the toxicity will build up and your body will begin to break down, hence having diseases or conditions that will force you to seek pharmaceutical relief. Though I had been detoxing my organs occasionally, it was not a thorough enough job to clean my whole system properly. Think of it like this: You're washing a car with soap, but your sponge has grease and dirt embedded into it. Yes, you are washing your car, but the sponge is putting all of it back onto the car. So your car can't technically be completely clean. DO YOUR HOMEWORK Even though I am giving you my experience, you don't have to take my word for it, do your own research! Look into blood purification benefits and which ailments are cured by it. There are cheaper and more effective ailment remedies that can be cured holistically if you seek them out! FINAL WORDS Since my skin was not 100% cleared, I decided to try an additional full body detox that I am doing now called "Bentonite Clay" that absorbs a lot of toxins out of the body. I am currently still on the regimen so once completed I will blog my results! Happy Purifying! www.mtshastaherbandhealth.com - Ask Lily for a remedy!
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AuthorA Messenger of Love; A Spiritual Being here to help Humanity raise their Vibrations. 13Love is the Movement. Archives
November 2013